How to deal with Termites

How to deal with Termites

Termites are one of the most dangerous types of pests in your home. They can cause more damage than fires, storms floods and earthquakes combined. Although it is cold outside, the warmth of your home will attract these termites like a magnet. It can even be possible that they are already present!

To find out if your home is under attack, be on the lookout for the following signs:
- Blistered paintwork
- Small mounds of earth on skirting boards, or in damp spaces such as baths and sinks
- If wooden areas of your home have a honeycombed effect on the,

You can also find termite damage if you are noticing electrical shorts and distortion of walls floors.

When it comes to the outside of your home, regularly check around dead trees and bushes, look for termite mounds. Do not forget that wood that is untreated are the primary targets for termites to get an easy meal.

The best solution would be to contact Pest Control Perth today! BP Direct have over 45 years of experience in this industry and know the best solutions to eliminate these nasty pests from destroying your home!

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